Invoking a Positive Vision for America

Welcome to our FREE American webinar: Invoking a Positive Vision for America. 

October  19-20, 2024

Update! The recordings from Day 1 and Day 2 have already been posted. Thank you for joining and co-creating this amazing event with the masters and us  🙂



Our fall webinar will be focused on shattering the doom and gloom and the epic mindset that hangs over the U.S. election. We will be giving more decrees and invocations than normal in order to invoke people’s attunement with Saint Germain’s vision for America’s future. There will not be as many dictations as normal and no time for questions and answers.

There will be two sessions a day, timed so that as many people as possible in America can participate.

This webinar will be FREE, so the link to join will be posted on this webpage the day before the conference—see below.


Each session will be recorded and uploaded to the cloud, where it will be available until late November. After an upload is complete, usually up to 2 hours after the 2. (evening) session, links to the recordings will be posted on this webpage.

Day 2, session 1

  1. Sain Germain decree 33X
  2. “Invoking the Unification of the People of America”
  3. “Invoking the transcendence of polarization”
  4. “Invoking an awareness of our basic humanity”
  5. “Invoking the political changes of the Golden Age”
  6. “Invoking freedom from the slavery of capitalism”
  7. Saint Germain dictation



Day 2, session 2 

  1. Shive decree 33X
  2. “Invoking a Golden Age President”
  3. “Invoking non-dualistic leadership in America”
  4. “Invoking an end to the elitist tendencies in government”
  5. Dictation Gautama Buddha



Day 1, session 1 

  • Archangel Michael – decree 33X
  • IVN “Freeing America from intolerance”
  • INV “Freeing America from black-and-white thinking”
  • INV “Freeing America from elitism”
  • Astrea decree 18X
  • Dictation – Archangel Michael



Day 1. session 2 

  • Cyclopea decree 9x
  • INV“Invoking better leadership in America”
  • INV“Invoking a new vision of the purpose of democracy”
  • INV “Invoking social awareness in America”
  • INV “Invoking a higher vision of the presidency”
  • Dictation Cyclopea


1. Program

October  19-20, 2024

3 PM to 6.30 PM – afternoon session

6.30 PM-7.30 PM – break

7.30 PM to 10:30 PM – evening session

NOTE: The times are CENTRAL European Summer Time therefore, please check the times with your time zone!!

2.  Link to join Webinar

The link to join webinar

Webinar ID (may be needed for cell phones): 870 1411 6043

3. The invocations and decrees

During the conference, we will be giving invocations and decrees.

The invocations and decrees ebook will be available here day before the conference  as an epub file or a pdf file.

Invocations fall webinar 2024EPUB

Invocations fall webinar 2024PDF

4. Recordings 

Each session will be recorded and uploaded to the cloud, where it will be available until late November. After an upload is complete, usually up to 2 hours after the 2. (evening) session, links to the recordings will be posted on this webpage.

5. Questions and answers

We will be giving more decrees and invocations than usual to invoke people’s attunement with Saint Germain’s vision for America’s future, so there will not be time for questions and answers.

6. Your preparations

A webinar will obviously be a different experience than with a physical conference. The advantage of a physical conference is that you are away from your normal circumstances so there are no distractions. We encourage you to try to copy this in your home setting by setting aside a room where you can be as undisturbed as possible.

A webinar gives you the opportunity to be more focused within and really focus on your personal contact with the masters. Make a simple call for the master of your choice to fill the room with their Presence and open your heart to let the masters give you an experience of being there with you.

7. Communication outside Zoom

In case of any problems during the event, information will be posted on this webinar page or Kim’s facebook page:

We look forward to creating a platform for the ascended masters together with you,

Kim and Julita pastedGraphic.png