By Kim Michaels
I have received several mails from people about how to deal with conspiracy theories. Some people have gone into such theories themselves and have realized it was a downward spiral and have pulled themselves out, or they want help to do so. Others have friends who are into conspiracy theories, and they are no longer able to talk to them, because these people get so easily agitated when their beliefs are questioned. I personally have people I have known for a long time that I can no longer talk to, and in some cases I barely recognize them as the same people.
In considering how I can help people deal with this, I want to start by saying that I myself don’t know what to do about people who have been pulled into the energetic vortex of this conspiracy culture. How do you talk to people who are absolutely convinced that they are right and who get very upset if they feel you are questioning what they see as an unquestionable truth? How do you reason with people who feel they are superior to you because they believe in this conspiracy, and therefore they can automatically deny anything you say that questions the theory or the person behind it? I don’t have an answer because I think there is no answer. I think people go into this vortex because they have a need in their psychology, but they do not see this and thus you cannot help them see it. They have entered the School of Hard Knocks and it is just a matter of them having the experiences they need to have before they become willing to question their world view.
I don’t know how to help people with this, but I thought it might be helpful to explain why I myself am not a conspiracy theorist and how I look at these theories and the entire culture around them. Why am I not a conspiracy theorist? The short answer is that it’s because I am a spiritual person. Obviously, that doesn’t tell you much, so let me try to explain.
My view of spirituality
To me, the core of spirituality is that it is my responsibility to take command over my own mind and psyche. I have known this during my entire life, even before I consciously knew about a spiritual path. As I see it, I started out this lifetime at a certain level of consciousness, but I have the potential to follow a systematic path that raises my consciousness to higher and higher levels. This is not a mechanical path, where I can do spiritual exercises and automatically make progress. It is a matter of me coming to see patterns in how I look at life and react to situations, and then consciously changing them until I am in command of my reactions to this world. The driving force behind my spiritual progress is constant self-observation.
I didn’t find any spiritual teaching until I turned 18, but even as a child, I did many things to take command over my mind. For example, I was afraid of the dark, and I cured myself by walking at night in an area with no streetlights, until I felt my fear left me. I have always had a very strong sense that I cannot allow anything outside myself to take command over my mind. At the same time I have also had the ability to sense psychic energies. I literally felt my fear of the dark as an external, aggressive energy that had entered my mind, and I felt how it left because I no longer believed in the illusion behind it.
To me, the essence of spiritual growth is to take command over my mind, and an important part of this is to sharpen my intuitive ability to read psychic or spiritual energies, so my mind cannot be taken over by or overwhelmed by such energies. I have always had the sense that there are forces outside myself (including but not limited to other people) who want to influence, even manipulate my mind, and it is my responsibility to not let them do so. I see myself as living in a world where certain external forces want to gain entry into my mind, and they can do so in these basic ways:
- If I am ignorant of the existence of such forces, so I don’t know how to protect myself.
- If I believe in certain illusions that give such forces an inroad into my mind.
- If I have certain wounds or traumas in my psyche that these forces can use to get me into an agitated or unbalanced state of mind.
- If I am not willing to look at my own psyche, so I project that the cause of my problems is outside myself.
I think we all have the ability to center in our hearts and tune in to the energy of an impulse, such as something we read. We can then feel if the energy in the heart moves upwards or downwards. To me, it is obvious that if an idea causes my energies to go downwards, then this is not something I want to take into my mind. As a spiritual person I believe we have an energy field around our bodies, and there are centers or chakras in the field. One of them is over the solar plexus area, and when I get upset or angry, I can clearly feel a chaotic energy in my solar plexus chakra. I think most people can feel the same.
Reading energy behind conspiracy theories
When I read a conspiracy theory (or anything else) I am not primarily paying attention to what is being said. I am seeking to tune in to the energy behind it. If I sense a fear-based energy that pulls my energies down, then that is a clear sign that something is amiss. If I feel the theory agitates my solar plexus chakra, this is also a warning sign. I am not hereby trying to say that I have a unique ability to read energy. My point is that I think we can all do this.
Obviously, you might say that you have friends who clearly cannot do this because you can feel how agitated their solar plexus chakras are, or you can feel the fear they project at you. I think this does not show that these people cannot read energies, it merely shows that:
- They have not become conscious of this ability.
- They have not developed it.
- They are not using it to read the conspiracy theory.
Why is it that some people do not read the energy of a conspiracy theory? To me, it is because these people have some mechanism in their psychology that blocks or overrides their ability to sense energy.
For example, most people have not taken responsibility for their state of mind. They believe our psychological make-up is determined by outer factors, such as our upbringing. Such people therefore believe that our happiness depends on our outer situation. If we get certain material conditions, we will be happy. If we don’t get them, we will not be happy. Many such people do not have the material conditions they want, and since they cannot or will not change their state of mind, they feel stuck. They see that other people are doing better, but since they will not consider that it could be their own state of mind that blocks their happiness, they are looking for an external explanation. They come across a theory that says some secret conspiracy is to blame for their lack of happiness, and it suddenly sounds appealing. The theory explains why they don’t have what they want, while at the same time justifying why they don’t have to look at themselves. It feeds the old dream that you can change your life without changing yourself.
Another example is that some people are already disturbed emotionally. We don’t teach children how to deal with their emotions, and many people build up anger energy throughout their lives. They come across a theory that makes their anger seem justified and gives it a direction or scapegoat outside themselves. They actually feel the energy behind the theory corresponds to the energy they already have in their solar plexus chakras and see nothing wrong with this. Other people are not emotional but are dominated by the rational, linear mind. They are looking for an explanation for why they are not happy, and here is a theory that explains it. Thus, their rational minds block their intuition. They see no reason to use their intuition when the theory is so appealing to the mind and explains why they don’t have to look at themselves.
Even though I have always seen spiritual growth as a matter of taking command over my mind, I have met people who have been following spiritual teachings for decades without truly grasping the need to look at themselves. And some of these people have indeed been pulled into conspiracy theories. Yet for spiritual people there is a special case that is more complex.
Spiritual people and conspiracy theories
Why are we spiritual people? Because our minds are open to ideas that go beyond mainstream religions and scientific materialism. We are predisposed to look for non-standard explanations, so isn’t it natural that we are open to conspiracy theories? Isn’t one of the problems on earth that so many people are not open-minded? I will be the first to say that we need to have open minds, but I will also say that being open-minded does not mean we have to be open to anything and everything. How do we find a balance between being open without being too open?
I have written extensively about many spiritual people coming to earth in order to help raise this planet to a level where war and other atrocities cannot exist (see my book My Lives with Lucifer, Satan, Hitler and Jesus). Many of us have a strong sense of mission or purpose, and it is often what drives our spiritual quest. We are always looking for an understanding of why there is evil on earth and what we can do to help remove it. In my own experience, there is a risk factor built into this approach, namely that we can become over-zealous or unbalanced in wanting to change the earth. It is essentially a spiritual version of what I talked about above, where we project that the problem is outside ourselves.
I can see in myself that when I was younger and new to the spiritual path, I was very unbalanced, in fact obsessive-compulsive, in my approach to spirituality. I felt a great need to give spiritual exercises in order to change the world, and it took me a while to recognize that this was an excuse for not looking at my own psychology. I thought the way to change the world was to change something outside myself.
It took me many years to make a shift and realize that the only way to change the world is actually to change myself, my state of consciousness. In a nutshell, I came to see that the cause of conflict on earth really is that so many people are trying to force other people to change;
- People want a certain state of mind.
- They think their state of mind depends on external conditions.
- They think the only way to change external conditions is to force other people to change.
I came to see that this mechanism (of people seeking to change others in order to change their own state of mind) has been dominating earth for millennia. I realized that if I wanted to help improve the planet, I needed to take a different approach. I needed to stop thinking that the way to overcome evil is to fight and destroy evil. I needed to stop trying to change other people and instead focus on changing myself. I realized that the only real way to change things on earth is to raise the collective consciousness, and my only real way to raise the collective is to raise my own consciousness.
It took me a long time to go through this process, and I am not trying to blame anyone for not having seen what it took me so long to see. I am simply observing that some people I know have been on the spiritual path for many years, and instead of making the shift I am talking about, they have built a sense of frustration. They have been focused on bringing about outer changes on earth, and they feel this has not happened. This causes a certain doubt about whether spiritual teachings actually work or whether they are empty promises. In other words, they are looking for an explanation of why their efforts have not produced results, and here is a theory that explains why. Either there is some secret conspiracy that is the cause or there is a certain president who is the only one capable of bringing about the needed changes.
I also came to understand that many conflicts spring from the epic mindset. This says that there is a fight between forces that are good and forces that are evil. It is of epic importance that good destroys evil, meaning that the ends can justify the means. To me, this is obvious in many conspiracy theories, and I see how people who believe in them suddenly think it is of supreme importance that a certain president is re-elected or that they do not get vaccinated or whatever it might be. Therefore, it is seemingly justified to set aside normal human kindness or to subvert the democratic process.
I came to see how many conflicts this epic mindset has caused by dividing humanity into groups and making some group feel they have a right to destroy another, as in the Holocaust. I went through a period of seeking to free my mind from the illusions of this mindset. I therefore came to see the need to be in a balanced state of mind that is not pulled towards these dualistic polarities.
The need for balance
As I have explained many times, the greatest inspiration for me was the story of Gautama Buddha being ready to go into Nirvana and the demons of Mara challenging him. I came to see that the demons were simply trying to get him to react to anything on earth, and if he had done so, he would not have been ready to leave earth behind. If I want to make my ascension after this lifetime, I cannot have any attachments to anything on earth. I have to be able to say with Jesus: “The prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in me.”
I am always looking at myself and whether I am reacting to anything in an unbalanced way. If I was a spiritual person who had flirted with conspiracy theories, I would carefully observe how they affect my reactions and state of mind:
- Do they raise or lower my energies?
- Do they cause me to feel fear?
- Do they cause my solar plexus to be agitated?
- Do they cause me to feel an obsessive-compulsive need to have certain things happen?
- Do they make me feel attached to a certain outcome, such as this or that person being elected president of my country?
- Do I think about a certain theory all the time and cannot let it go?
- Do I feel a strong need to convince other people that I am right?
- Do I feel a strong fear that my theory could be proven wrong?
- Do I feel superior to those who do not accept the theory?
- Do I feel I have superior knowledge that others just can’t see because they are not as smart as me?
- Do I go into denial in order to reject any doubt about my theory?
- Do I come to believe in more and more extreme explanations in order to reject any challenge to my theory?
I have read reports written by people who were into the Q-Anon conspiracy theory, and they described how they could not stop reading but had to have their daily fix. To me, this sounds like an addiction, not a chemical one but a psychological addiction, like pornography. People are simply pulled into an energetic vortex where their minds are overwhelmed by a particular kind of energy. As they put their attention on this, they also give energy to the beings behind the addiction, and thus they end up feeling depleted.
As a spiritual person, I don’t want to be pulled into such a vortex. I don’t want any kind of addiction and I don’t want to feed my energy to the beings behind addictions.
Reasoning about conspiracy theories
For me, the most important factor in evaluating new ideas is my intuition, but I obviously also use my rational mind. So let us reason together. My mind has always had a momentum of looking for inconsistencies or contradictions. For example, when I was 12, a classmate said to me: “Sometimes you just have to do the opposite of what your parents want, so you can do your own thing.” My reaction was that whether you do what your parents want or do the opposite, they are still determining what you do. In order to do your own thing, you have to become independent of your parents.
The message of some conspiracy theories is that there is a secret cabal of powerful people who are controlling society. Yet if they really did control society, why did they allow the conspiracy theory to be published? I am not by any means saying that there are no conspiracies or groups that seek to control the world. I am simply saying that if a theory claims that a secret group controls the world, then I see it as unbalanced because if the claim was true, the theory would have been suppressed.
I think we can observe world history and conclude that at any time, there is a tendency for various elite groups to form, and they will seek to dominate society. For a thousand years, the kings, feudal lords and Catholic priests controlled European society, and they did this in large part by restricting access to information. So one way for an elite to control us is to restrict access to information, as was done in the Soviet Union.
Yet when Gutenberg invented the printing press, the elite’s ability to suppress information was severely limited, and this has reached a new level with the Internet. Again, if a secret cabal really did control the world, how did they allow the Internet to be become a world-wide phenomenon? Either they don’t really control the world, or they don’t really exist.
I think there are indeed various power elite groups who seek to control people today by limiting information. Obvious examples are Putin’s Russia, China and North Korea. Of course, there are also power elites in the democratic world that seek to restrict information, and they have some success, as there are many things most people don’t know. However, they clearly cannot suppress all information, and this means they have gone to Plan B. This plan is to put so much disinformation out there that most people feel confused, become overwhelmed and give up trying to discern what is valid and invalid information.
I think many conspiracy theories were created for this purpose. There are several reasons to do this:
- To overwhelm people with so much information that their minds cannot process it or that they don’t have time to read it.
- To make sure that any claim has a counter-claim that says the opposite, so anything can be doubted.
- To put out some really ridiculous conspiracy theories so any exposure of a real conspiracy can be discredited by being labeled a “conspiracy theory.”
- To make use of the freedom of speech guaranteed by democracy to undermine democracy.
- To obscure the existence of the power elite groups that do exist by making people focus on imaginary conspirators.
- To give people a convenient scapegoat so they direct their anger at another group of people (such as foreigners, immigrants, Jews, democrats, liberals or a thousand other groups).
- To make people think that by doing something about the scapegoat, they have done what needs to be done, allowing the real elite to continue hiding in the shadows.
- To create theories for a specific purpose, such as undermining people’s faith in the democratic process.
It is well documented that especially Russia but also China has troll factories. These are office buildings in which people are hired to post certain things on the Internet, especially on social media. Part of the goal is to create confusion and chaos, but the deeper goal is to make as many people as possible in democratic countries lose faith in the democratic process. Russia and China are literally at war with democracy and will invent conspiracy theories for the purpose of undermining democracy.
My larger point is that I think many conspiracy theories were NOT created for the stated purpose of giving people the truth about a secret group that does actually exist. They were created with ulterior motives, and if we don’t know what they are, how can we evaluate the value of the theory?
Disempowerment and empowerment
As I said, many of the people who are open to conspiracy theories have an inner frustration and feel powerless to change their own situation, which is really their state of mind. When they find a conspiracy theory, they feel empowered because now they think they know what is wrong with the world and how to fix it, and it is always something outside themselves. So they feel powerless to change themselves, but the theory makes them think they can change the world. However, this only lasts a while, as the boost from drinking a cup of coffee eventually wears off. Thus, they end up feeling even more powerless because how can you actually turn a conspiracy theory into action?
If there really is a secret conspiracy controlling the world, it will make you feel empowered to know this, but what can you actually do with it? How do you combat a secret, and thus per definition unknowable, group of conspirators? My point being that many conspiracy theories become a closed loop because you really can’t turn the knowledge they give into action. You can feel angry and thus channel your anger, but this doesn’t help you overcome the anger.
Some theories are different because they define a scapegoat. In America certain conspiracy theories define various scapegoats, such as pedophiles, immigrants, democrats or liberals. Many people who believe in such conspiracies can now direct their anger at these other people, and they temporarily feel empowered. The problem is that they live in a democracy, which gives all people certain rights. How do you destroy a scapegoat labeled as “liberals” in a country like America? If you shoot them, the law enforcement apparatus will come after you.
So although a conspiracy theory might give you a temporary sense of empowerment by giving you an outlet for your anger, in the long run it will leave you feeling even more powerless. Just look at the people who broke into the U.S. Capitol building of January 6th, 2021. Wasn’t this driven by frustration and anger, built up because they believed in certain conspiracy theories but could not make society conform to theory? They seemingly felt empowered by breaking into the building, but given that it was illegal, the law enforcement apparatus held them accountable and some of them are now going to jail. Do they still feel empowered? At least some of them seem to have realized that their conspiracy theories did not get them where they wanted to go.
I do not want to feel disempowered, so I am very cautious about accepting theories that talk about secret cabals or define scapegoats. I am especially concerned about scapegoating, as I realized in childhood that this was what led to the Nazi concentration camps. I do not want to be involved with spreading any theory that encourages the destruction of other people. As I will describe later, I believe there are indeed conspiracies, but my understanding of this makes me feel empowered because I see what I can do about it.
The burden of proof
One of the perennial principles behind the justice systems of the democratic world is that you are innocent until PROVEN guilty. The background is, of course, that in totalitarian nations, you can be imprisoned without proof or due process. The mere suspicion that you are against the ruling elite is enough to land you in the dungeon, from which you may never come out.
In democracies, we have something called the “burden of proof,” and that burden is on the accuser. It has always been easy to accuse others, but unless you have proof, it is not valid in a court of law. Of course, this is not the case in the “Court of Public Opinion,” and that has never been more true than in the age of the Internet. Just about anyone can create a website or social media account and start posting accusations against other people—and where is the burden of proof? A website can be anonymous, as can a Facebook account without a face.
Many conspiracy theories do not even attempt to offer real proof. Many are posted anonymously so you have no idea who is posting it and what (ulterior) motives they might have. Going back to my statement that my mind looks for contradictions, consider how conspiracy theories can become closed systems or have circular logic. “We can’t tell you who has posted the theory because that would make us the target of the conspirators.” “We can’t give you any real proof that the conspiracy exists, because it is a secret society, so the proof is not public knowledge.” This literally means that anyone can make any claim without having to be held accountable for the claims they make. This is the ability to act without personal accountability, and I think history is littered with examples of the absurdities this can lead to.
Of course, there is also another side to the story. If you live in Russia, you cannot post a theory about the government in your own name without being exposed to persecution. And of course, it is difficult to give proof that a secret society exists, because if the proof was accessible, the society would no longer be secret. Again, I am not saying that conspiratorial groups do not exist. I am simply saying that it is so easy to come up with a conspiracy theory because you can do so without personal accountability and without providing any real evidence. You can of course also falsify evidence because you have no accountability. In America there is a tabloid magazine and I once read that when they were considering whether to publish a story, they did not even consider whether it was true or not. They simply asked: “Will at least a third of our readers believe it?” If the answer was yes, they would publish it, even if they knew it was fictional.
When I look at a theory, I always consider who could have created it and what motives they might have. I also look at what kind of evidence is presented and whether it could actually be checked. How likely is it, or does it seem contradictory in itself? I also consider what purpose there might be for posting the theory, what bias or political motive might be behind it.
The motives behind conspiracy theories
I was always very skeptical of anything I was told. I never believed in the claims of mainstream Christianity and I never believed in scientific Materialism, so I never saw myself as a sinner or as an evolved ape. One of the defining moments of my childhood came in the fifth grade when a teacher brought in the five largest Danish newspapers, three of which were owned by political parties. He had us read three news stories that were covered by all of the papers, and it was obvious that the political bias of the paper had a major impact on how it covered the story. I never forget the impact of seeing with my own eyes how a preconceived opinion could color the presentation of the same basic facts.
My reaction to this has made me skeptical of any news, including the so-called mainstream media. However, because of my sense that I always need to strive for balance, I have not gone to the extreme of rejecting everything that comes from regular news sources. In the above example, all five papers talked about events that I have no doubt took place. So when all media outlets of the democratic world say a hurricane hit New Orleans in 2005, I believe this actually took place. Why? Because I know that normal media is concerned about credibility. The last thing they want is to report something as factual that is later proven wrong. So when they do report facts that can be checked, they have some allegiance to reporting them accurately. When all media outlets in the democratic world report that Russia has invaded Ukraine, I will believe them over any statements made by the Russian government.
Now, look at conspiracy theories. Do they have any dedication to accurate reporting or fact checking? In some cases, clearly not. Do they have an obvious bias? In some cases, clearly they do. As an example, take Q-Anon. I have no problem with someone saying that there are secret groups of pedophiles who traffic children in order to abuse them. But when you say that all of these people are democrats, you have lost me. Sexual deviation is not restricted to a specific political affiliation, so making this claim simply demonstrates your political bias. Also, I might not be alarmed by someone saying that a secret pedophile group is meeting in the basement of a pizza restaurant in Washington D.C. But when it then turns out that this restaurant is owned by gay people, I again see a political bias. And when it then turns out the restaurant doesn’t even have a basement, I see no dedication to fact checking. Furthermore, when a conspiracy theory predicts that JFK is going to appear alive and well in Dallas on November 22nd, 2021 and it doesn’t happen, then I really can’t understand how anyone can pay attention to this anymore.
I know several people who grew up believing in regular media and then as adults realized a lot of reporting is biased. They have then jumped to the opposite extreme and now do not believe in anything coming from what they label as MSM or MainStream Media. A couple of them say I am naive for believing in anything said by MSM and for not accepting these people’s conspiracy theories. In my view, they in many cases reject what is said by MSM and instead end up believing in some anonymous website that says the opposite of MSM. You do recall my story of my classmate? Believing in the opposite of what MSM says is not the same as believing your own thing—or the truth.
These same people say that I reject their conspiracy theories because I am not critical enough, which is also why I believe in MSM. However, it is precisely because I am so critical that I reject their conspiracy theories and believe in some of what MSM reports. I generally look at several media outlets, and if they all report the same factual information, I see no reason to reject that certain events took place. When it comes to what the events mean, I am much more critical and form my own opinion. But I do not refer to unprovable theories on the Internet in order to interpret world events. I think people who do so are not critical enough, even if they claim to be critical of MSM.
Conspiracy theories and propaganda
Another defining moment in my childhood was learning about Hitler, Nazism and the Holocaust. One thing that made a huge impression on me was learning about Nazi propaganda, as invented by Joseph Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda minister. I struggled to grasp how a government could deliberately put out lies about a specific group of people in order to manipulate its own citizens into going to war or committing genocide. Later, I learned about Soviet propaganda that attempted to undermine the democratic freedoms I enjoyed in Denmark.
What is the connection between conspiracy theories and propaganda? Historically, conspiracy theories have often been used as the basis for propaganda. The claim that a secret Jewish cabal controlled the economy of Germany and caused all of the country’s problems is a typical conspiracy theory. As is the claim that Ukraine is controlled by Neo-Nazis. So conspiracy theories have been used to justify some of the worst atrocities of history. Since I believe in karma, the last thing I want to do as a spiritual person is to promote some made-up theory that manipulates people and creates huge amounts of karma.
A conspiracy theory often defines a scapegoat that is the cause of specific problems. There is a fundamental conflict between the scapegoat and the greater population, leading to an us-versus-them mentality. Thus, if only those who accept the theory take action to get rid of the scapegoat, they can solve all of society’s problems. The theory defines a goal of epic importance and then says it is justified and necessary to set aside normal moral considerations in order to reach this goal. The ends can justify the means, even if it means killing other people or killing democratic principles.
Now consider the purpose of propaganda. It is not just to promote lies, but also to cast doubt upon commonly accepted facts. For example, the Nazis cast doubt upon mainstream media in Germany and made it seem like the only person who could be trusted was Hitler. Labeling something as “fake news” is a propaganda tool, especially when it is used to cast doubt upon ALL media sources that do not agree with the propagandists. Even the label Mainstream Media is a propaganda tool, which can be used to make it seem like there is only one source of information you can trust. Hasn’t the Soviet Union proven that when there is only one media source, then you definitely cannot trust that source?
What is my real problem with propaganda? As I said, my supreme responsibility is to take command over my own mind, which includes not allowing any external force to control my mind. Well, propaganda is a way for an external force to control people’s minds. The effect is that people get a limited and distorted view of reality. They get tunnel vision that easily leads to fanaticism, and fanaticism is another thing I have always wanted to avoid.
Conspiracy theories and fanaticism
It made a huge impact on me when I, as a child, watched a TV program about Hitler. I especially remember him giving a speech in from of 100,000 people. The looks on people’s faces as they screamed “Sig Heil” was that of pure fanaticism, with staring, empty eyes and distorted faces. They were clearly hypnotized by Hitler, and it made me very determined never to allow this to happen to me. I also remember a news clip about a Beatles concert where teenage girls were reaching over the edge of the stage and screaming hysterically. Again, something I never wanted to participate in. Why? Because these people clearly had lost all control of their minds.
I was brought up to think that fanaticism was something rather extreme, such as the Nazis or Muslim terrorists. I have since realized fanaticism comes in less recognizable forms, as everyday fanaticism. This is a conviction that you hold the ultimate viewpoint and a refusal to consider that there is more to understand about the issue.
Conspiracy theories have a unique ability to foster fanaticism. It makes a claim that cannot be proven but must be taken on faith. Once you have accepted the claim, you are in a psychological trap. By accepting the claim, you have achieved a superior status compared to those who do not accept the claim. Just look at how Nazis felt they were the superior race. The problem is that you now have to defend the claim. Because if the claim is proven wrong, you lose your superior status and you are reduced to a fool who believed in a lie. You go from being superior to being inferior, and if you cannot handle that, you must defend the claim with fanatical zeal.
Again, I don’t want to put myself in a state of mind that stops my spiritual growth. Thus, I don’t want to be fanatical, and this makes me very suspicious of theories that encourage fanaticism. Of course, fanaticism has caused people to commit some of the worst atrocities in history, and I don’t want to make that kind of karma.
The Trump conspiracy
In order to make these ideas more concrete, I will relate them to a couple of specific issues. Let me begin with the U.S. election of 2020.
I see America as a country that has survived as a democracy for almost 250 years. This longevity is caused by the fact that America has a Constitution and a set of laws that define how elections are held, how votes are counted and how the peaceful transfer of power takes place. The system is constantly evolving, but it has clearly kept the country alive for a long time.
In fact, there has never really been a challenge to this system—that is, until 2020. Even months before the election, Donald Trump started talking about election fraud. After the votes had been counted in November, he ramped up this talk and could barely talk about anything else. His claim is that millions of votes for Biden were fraudulent and that this meant the election was stolen from him.
If you look at how the election system works and think about how this could actually have happened, you will have to conclude that a very large number of people must have been directly involved in perpetrating this fraud and in covering it up. This means the claim is a conspiracy theory. The only way the election could have been stolen from Trump is through a secret conspiracy involving thousands of people. Here is my problem with this. About half of all election officials are republicans who presumably wanted Trump to win. In order to believe that the election was stolen, you have to believe that a substantial part of these republican officials were part of the conspiracy. This does not seem credible to me.
The election system has various procedures whereby the accuracy of the results are checked. International observers have declared American elections to be secure and fair. Several republican officials repeatedly vouched for the accuracy of the results, such as Raffensberger in Georgia, who refused Trump’s request to find 11,000 votes. Also, a recount can be called for. Several recounts were made, but in no case was the results changed. In one case, they found more votes for Biden than in the first count. Another option is to file lawsuits in the courts. Trump and his people filed over 50 lawsuits and they were all dismissed, and many of the judges were republicans. Then, there was the Supreme Court, which refused to even hear the case because it didn’t seem credible to the judges—six of whom are supposedly republican-leaning and three of whom were appointed by Trump. It would have been a scoop for any media outlet to be the first to report fraud, but no media outlet concerned with fact-checking could come up with a credible proof, and at least some of those outlets are republican-leaning.
What we are left with is that the American election system has been functioning for almost 250 years. Yet all of a sudden, this system is the victim of a complete take-over by a secret cabal consisting of many republican officials, republican judges, supreme court judges and republican media people, who all agree to perpetrate and cover up this massive conspiracy to steal the election from Trump. To me, the likelihood of this happening is, to use a British expression, a remote contingency.
Yet I know a couple of people who believed it and who became very upset with me that I didn’t believe it. I tried to explain to them that it really didn’t matter what they or I believed, but they couldn’t get it. The reality is that the United States has an election system based on the Constitution and election laws. It doesn’t matter what you or I think about this. The only thing that matters is what the duly appointed and trained officials think about it. If they think there was no significant fraud and they call the outcome for Biden, then that is the right outcome, given the current laws of the country. If the system had called the election for Trump, I would have accepted that with no second thought.
Do you see what I am saying? There is a system in place. If you claim that this system is the victim of a massive conspiracy, yet the system rejects your claim, then you actually do not respect the democratic process or the election laws. America has survived for this long because there is a system that runs elections, meaning they are not determined by unverifiable claims made on anonymous websites. If you claim this system is taken over by a conspiracy, then you are proving that you have given up your respect for the democratic process. By advocating that the system should be overruled and the presidency given to Trump, you are advocating anarchy. This is not an objective evaluation. It is fanaticism caused by blind belief in a conspiracy theory and the denial of all evidence to the contrary. And it cannot secure the survival of the country.
When I look at this, I find Trump’s claims not credible, meaning I look for an alternative explanation. To me, it is found in Trump’s psychology, as I believe we humans are psychological beings. If you study Trump’s life, it is obvious that he thinks the worst thing that could happen to him was to be a loser. In reality, a person with this psychology should never participate in competitions where he could lose. But his ambition to be important, drove him to run for president.
When he lost, his desire to avoid seeing himself as a loser caused him to launch a conspiracy theory that is truly an attempt to undermine the democratic process and cause millions of Americans to lose faith in their system of government. And all this just to salvage his self-image, which in my view is the move of a classical narcissist. I once compared this to how Hitler came to power, and some people got very offended by it. Yet many of Trump’s followers have the same fanatical belief in his infallibility as the Nazis had in Hitler. Some of them clearly believe that anyone who disagrees with Trump is lying or deceived, and this is precisely what propaganda does to those who believe it. Such people are hypnotized and their minds are taken over by external forces. I look at this and think: “Let me stay out of this vortex.”
The vaccination conspiracy
Another conspiracy theory says that there is a microchip in the Corona vaccine that allows “them” to track “us.” Obviously, I cannot disprove such a theory, but I am inclined to be skeptical for two main reasons. One is that I live in Denmark, and I truly don’t believe my government is part of a world-wide conspiracy and is out to get me. The other is that I see some real practical logistical problems behind actually making this happen.
Many years ago, I heard about the conspiracy theory that the moon-landings were faked and filmed in Idaho. My reaction was that NASA employed tens of thousands of people at the time, all of whom believed the moon landings did happen (as did the astronauts who walked on the moon). Obviously, not all NASA employees had to be in on it, but a substantial number of people would indeed have to know about the falsification. There is an old saying that the only way to kept something secret is to tell no one. If you tell just one person, the probability that the secret will be exposed goes up. And the more people you tell, the more the probability goes up—exponentially. The idea that thousands of NASA employees knew about the deception and that none of them ever exposed it seemed impossible to me. Just imagine someone lying on his deathbed and wanting to clear his conscience.
Creating a microchip and embedding it in vaccine and then creating an apparatus to track billions of people simply doesn’t seem practical to me. It would have to involve so many people that it could not be kept secret. Then, there is the fact that the Soviets never made it to the moon, and they had an obvious motive to undermine the American victory. As the Russians today have a motive to undermine people’s faith in western vaccines and western democracy.
Anyway, my disbelief in this theory is actually based on personal experience. I have been vaccinated three times, and I paid close attention to the procedure. I am waiting in line and is then called into a room with a retired nurse. She asks for my personal ID number without actually seeing a photo ID. She then enters that into the computer, thereby registering that I am about to receive the vaccine. She then takes a vial from a tray with about 50 of them. She fills a syringe and gives me the injection.
Now pay close attention to two things. One is that when she filled the syringe, she did not empty the vial. There was something left. If there was a microchip in that vial, it would have to be invisible to the naked eye. How could she know the chip was in the syringe and that I had therefore been implanted with the chip? Was she (a retired nurse volunteering her services) in on this conspiracy? Did she have some invisible contact lenses that allowed her to see the invisible chip and make sure I got it? In the beginning, when there was a lack of vaccine, Denmark actually saved the remnants in the vials and pooled them together in order to vaccinate more people. So how could you avoid mixing up the chips?
Now comes the real thing that disproved the theory for me. At no point did the nurse link my particular dose to me. There was no bar code on the vial that she scanned into the computer so that there was a record of me having received this specific dose and thus this specific chip. So if there was indeed a chip, how would “they” know that they were tracking me?
Just as a side note, why would “they” go to all this trouble of putting chips in vaccines, when I am carrying around a device in my pocket that allows them to track me? I mean, my phone can be tracked for the simple reason that I want people to know that when they call this specific phone, they are calling me. Anyway, if “they” did track me, they would find out that I spend most of my time in front of the computer, take a walk in the forest or on the beach every day and go to the grocery store every couple of days. I am trembling to think what “they” could do with that information.
I realized many years ago that one reason why the Soviet Union collapsed was that in order to get people to work, they had to have a substantial part of the population who were controlling that the others were working. These people obviously didn’t do productive work, so the economy collapsed. If western nations attempt to do the same, it is just a matter of time before the system falls apart.
I really do think there are conspiracies
I have now attempted to explain how I personally evaluate conspiracy theories, which means I reject most of them. But do I accept that here are conspiracies? Well, of course I do. How could you not accept this if you look at world history?
To me, it is obvious that in every society and in every time period there has been a tendency for a power elite to form and then seek to dominate society. Some of these elites have been in public view, such as the Catholic church, the kings and the noblemen of the feudal societies. Some have been more hidden, such as the Nazis before Hitler’s takeover. There is also a tendency for an aspiring power elite to form and then seek to overthrow an established power elite. In many cases, the aspiring elite will claim to be working for the freedom of the people, but once they gain power, they often turn out to be even more oppressive than the old elite, as seen in the French and Bolshevik revolutions.
By just observing history, it becomes obvious to me that there have been and are elite groups who think they can control a given nation or even the world. I also think it is obvious that there are secret groups that are not known to the public. For example, I think there are various groups around the world who are secretly seeking to control the money system and the financial system. In America there is a secret group that has promoted Neo-liberalist ideology and have used it to siphon wealth away from the population and into their own accounts. To me, this is proven by a study made by the RAND Corporation:
However, this does not mean I believe there is one secret cabal that is actually controlling the world. I have already said that if such a cabal did exist, it would have suppressed both democracy and the Internet. In my observation, power elites are always divided. The people involved with such elites are basically narcissist or sociopaths, which means they have big egos. Some of them can cooperate for a time, but some of them want to be the ultimate leader, and when two people have that attitude, they cannot cooperate. So the elites are divided into various groups that often compete with each other for ultimate control.
I am sure such conspiracies exist, but I don’t need to know who these people are. The reason for this is that I am a spiritual student so I believe the solution to the problem of conspiracies is NOT to physically fight the secret groups but to raise the collective consciousness. This is also why I don’t feel disempowered by my belief in conspiracies. I know I can combat conspiracies by raising my own consciousness and by making calls to the ascended masters. Instead of spending hours in front of the computer studying conspiracy theories and getting my solar plexus chakra more and more agitated, I simply go to Transcendence Toolbox or take a book and find an invocation that addresses the problem I am concerned about. Then, I give that invocation and feel I have done something significant to remove conspiracies from this planet.
I consider myself the member of a conspiratorial group. It is made up of ascended master students in embodiment and the ascended masters in the spiritual realm. Because I am in embodiment, my free will allows me to decide that certain conspiracies or certain states of consciousness are not acceptable to me. In other words, I have the authority to decide what is acceptable on earth. I don’t have the power to remove those conspiracies, but the ascended masters do. By making the calls to them, I use my authority to give the masters permission to step in and use their power on earth, and this is a very effective partnership.
You may say: “What can beings in the spiritual realm do physically on earth?” Well, the ascended masters don’t have to do something physically. I am a spiritual person, which means I believe there are four levels of our world, corresponding to four levels of energy vibrations:
- The physical realm, where our bodies reside.
- The emotional real, obviously the seat of our emotions.
- The mental realm of thought.
- The identity realm with our sense of who we are.
In each of the three higher realms there are beings who can influence human beings. For example, beings in the emotional realm can agitate people’s emotions, and some people have their feelings entirely dominated by such beings. I believe many people have their minds so blocked by unseen forces in the higher realms that they cannot make clear or free choices.
When we make the calls to the ascended masters, the masters can use their power to remove these non-material beings, whereby people are set free to see more clearly what is best for them. And when people are free from these unseen forces, they cannot as easily be controlled by a physical conspiracy. I am not actually seeking to change the world by creating specific physical changes. I am seeking to raise the consciousness so people can make more aware choices.
Why do conspiracies generally talk about secret groups that are controlling people? Because if such groups had the physical power to control people, they would not have to be secret. So they have to control people through deception, and they do this because of the mechanisms in people’s psychology that I have talked about. When the ascended masters set people free from the factors that control their psyches, then people can make the choices and take the actions that will change society for the better. I don’t have to physically fight the secret cabals, I just need to use spiritual tools to set people free from being ignorant of or hypnotized by them. If people knew better, they would do better.
I don’t like the worldview of conspiracy theories
Now, for the final reason I am not a conspiracy theorist: I don’t buy the world view that is being painted by these theories:
- There is some secret conspiracy running the world and seeking to enslave all people, and there is little we can do about it.
- There is another group of people that are the cause of society’s problems, but because we can’t round them up and send them to concentration camps, there is little we can do about it.
- The democratic government, from federal to local level, the media and businesses are either part of this conspiracy or controlled by it, meaning everybody is out to get you.
- The world is on a downward slide that leads to one or another dystopian future.
- The only possible outcome is that Jesus comes back and saves the good people or that some strong leader can destroy the bad people and save the good people.
I understand that many people are frustrated and that this leads them to conspiracy theories. I observe that such people might feel temporarily empowered by a theory that defines a scapegoat, but I also see that they only become more frustrated and angry in the long run.
I simply don’t want to live that way.
I feel empowered and I feel most people in the world are good and want a better future. I see the world in an upward spiral that leads towards democracy, freedom and prosperity because this is what Saint Germain has planned for his golden age. I live in a democratic country with a high level of prosperity and freedom, and I don’t think my government is out to get me. I am not blind to the existence of evil, but I can observe that it is not winning because I still have my websites and books where I can publish anything the masters want to say. That would not have been possible in the past where either the Catholic church of the communist party would have burned me at the stake. So I am not a conspiracy theorist because I am an optimist. My optimism brought me to this planet, and it is going to take me out of here as well.